Sunday, February 23, 2014

Having It All: One Career-Minded Mommy’s Story (Part 1)

Recently, the surprises that this recent crazy weather we’ve been having across the country collided with the surprises that never fail to creep up on me as I make my way through motherhood. While it almost never snows in our hometown, we’ve had quite a few days of icy weather over the last month or two. Murphy’s law ensured that yesterday during a snow flurry, while my ancy 5 year-old son was with me and the car was full of groceries, I got a flat tire. “Of course,” I thought, thankful that I had no afternoon appointments to attend and that for once, the only thing I’d be late for that evening is getting a head start on preparing dinner. My son bobbed his head up and down to some CD player tunes while I shivered in the falling snow and fumbled to find the right tools to change my tire. Fifteen minutes later (it felt like an eternity,) my donut tire was intact and I was thrilled to return to my place in the driver’s seat with comforting warm air thawing my fingers.

“Honey, I’m sorry. These things happen. Are you ready to go home?” I asked my 6 year-old.

His response? “Mommy, I was curious.”

“Oh yeah? What were you curious about?” I asked.

“Mommy, I swallowed a dime.” Whoa. I was not prepared for that.

Motherhood comes with many surprises, many of which are impossible to prepare for. No matter how many books I read, forums I become a part of, magazines I subscribe to and other mommies I share stories with, I always seem to stumble upon obstacles that are completely unexpected.

Aside from the “Don’t eat that,” “Don’t stick that in your ear,” part of the job, being a mother to a 3 year-old and a 5 year-old has presented to me many other challenges that I have had trouble adapting to, the largest of which is juggling a career while taking care of the family that I love so very much. While I was working my 9 to 5 I felt like I never got to see my kids enough and I was worried I’d miss being there to watch them grow up. Being there to answer questions, kiss scraped knees, cheer at their sports games, pack the perfect lunches… these are things that I want to be present for. I eventually had to quit my corporate job.

Fortunately, that sacrifice came with a solution, and I no longer view my decision to give up my job as a sacrifice. Instead, I consider it to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. You see, only through quitting my job was I able to become a Brand Partner with Nerium International. I no longer have to report to my boss if I get a flat tire- icy weather or no. I am my own boss now! I will never again have to put my kids in daycare and comfort a nervous, frantic daycare worker while he or she exclaims things like, “Um… I don’t know how to tell you this, but your son found a dime today… and swallowed it.” I work at my own pace and make my own schedule as a Brand Ambassador, and while my boys will always be getting into mischief, I am now able to be there to handle most of it.

My newfound ability to spend more time with my kids; wipe away their tears, read them stories in the middle of the day, take them to appointments and attend upcoming soccer games (my oldest starts kindergarten and soccer practice in September- eeeek!) is just one of the reasons I’ll never regret partnering with Nerium International. For more reasons why I love being a Brand Partner, read on for Part 2 of my story. Share your own stories on why you love being a Brand Partner in the comments section below. Thanks, Nerium International, for showing me that stay-at-home moms can have it all!

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