Saturday, February 22, 2014

Make (Instead of Break) Your NeriumAD Instagram Presence With This Invaluable Tip

Maintaining a NeriumAD Instagram account is not only an opportunity to spread the word about your NeriumAD business, it is also a way to build your brand. Your social media presence is a dimension of your product and your business and yourself, which is what makes Instagram such a valuable tool- in the right hands, with the right information. All Instagram 101 tips aside, here is the one thing that you need to know: post strategically, with social awareness

Yes, NeriumAD is a sensational product with remarkable results. Yes, being a Brand Partner is a decision that you’ll never regret and being your own boss puts a smile on your face every day. However, be careful not to get ostentatious about it in your posts- nobody appreciates a braggart. We are all, all-too-familiar with the Christmas newsletter that is filled with personal triumphs, updates on expensive vacations, photos of new home remodeling, and general “my life is outstanding” updates. It’s somehow hard to be happy for that person, and then you feel like a jerk for being hesitant to share in their happiness! What a conundrum!

There’s no reason to be “that guy,” but no reason to hide your good fortune, either. It’s all about phrasing and presentation. For example, if you just received a Lexus as a bonus from Nerium International, present the update in a way that will be well received. Put yourself in your followers’ shoes and accordingly, stray from posting a photo of your luxury vehicle with an update that reads, “Check out my new car!” That kind of post puts the emphasis on how awesome you are, and doesn’t work to your benefit. Instead, perhaps post a compilation of your old car and your new car in a post that exclaims, “Love this company!” The post is now less about you and more about building your brand, which is your main goal. You can then use that post as a platform to crowd source interest in becoming a Brand Partner in your next post. “I’ve been a Brand Partner with Nerium International for only ___ (mos./yrs.) And already, it’s been a life changing experience! If anybody is interested in a career, feel free to ask me any questions!” This is just one example, but success- within your NeriumAD business, with the product, in the form of the way the product or the business has changed your personal life- is definitely worth posting about. Just do so strategically rather than impulsively. This tip will keep your NeriumAD Instagram from seeming like it is your pedestal for boasting. Even better, this tip will help make sure that your NeriumAD Instagram feed is grounded, relatable, and inspiring, which means you, as a person and as a brand, are grounded, relatable, inspiring and approachable. #Winning

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