Saturday, February 22, 2014

Determination, Quality Service, and Selfless Leadership: How Nerium Supports Brand Partners

In an impersonal and cutthroat business world, Nerium is a company that stands apart. Sure, Nerium is an ambitious and competitive company in the skincare market, but it also operates according to a set of core values that aim to make people better. This includes brand partners as well as customers.
And Nerium has a great product to offer to start with. Containing Nerium oleander extract, NeriumAD is a safe topical skin application that decreases the look of fine lines, wrinkles, and other issues with the appearance of skin. Brand Partners can work out of their home to build a business connecting people with NeriumAD through exemplary service, looking to Nerium’s core values for support. 

A few of these values include: 

Be Determined

Nerium values an outlook that sees opportunities instead of obstacles. Building a business out of your home may be convenient, but that does not mean it is easier work. Nerium does make it much easier to establish a business than if you were working from scratch on your own, but sales and marketing demands dedication from brand partners. 

Practice Servant Leadership

The Nerium leadership team believes in putting the needs of Brand Partners and Preferred Customers first. In an increasingly aggressive business culture, it’s important to recognize the value of selfless leadership. A family-oriented company is one that works together for success. 

Nerium is always looking for ways to help Brand Partners share great products. At Nerium support, Brand Partners can talk to real people to get real answers. Nerium offers both local and national events focusing on personal and professional development that include topics such as making income, self-confidence, and information on running a successful business out of your home.
Not only does Nerium strive to provide great servant leadership, but also to reward great leadership with incentives such as coaching commissions and Leadership Development Bonuses. 

Slow Down to Go Fast

The mass production-oriented business world has emphasized quantity over quality, and consumers and growing weary of their options. As social media platforms grow flooded with negative reviews and complaints from customers, stories of companies that value quality and customer satisfaction stand apart. 

Relationship marketing works towards customer retention, which cannot happen without customer satisfaction. The proven marketing strategies at Nerium help brand partners reach out to a customer base with an increasing demand for quality over quantity. Customers want to work with people that take time to get to know them as an individual and their unique needs as a consumer.

For more information on how you can take control of your skincare and finances, contact Nerium today, and stay tuned for more information on how Nerium supports Brand Partners.

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