Thursday, February 20, 2014

Easy Ways to Build Your Nerium Business With Instagram (Part 2)

The Nerium Experience is a lifestyle that is certainly worth getting excited about! You love NeriumAD, the real results that you see every day, and sharing the news about NeriumAD is something that comes naturally to you! Instagram is a wonderful way to let the world know exactly that. In “Part 1” of “Easy Ways to Build Your Nerium Business With Instagram,” we sampled some strategies; here you’ll find more tips on utilizing your Instagram account to effectively promote your NeriumAD business through gaining Instagram followers.

-Post consistently to your Instagram feed

Whether you have 1 or 1,000 followers, posting consistently is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a presence for your NeriumAD business. Consistent posting means consistent exposure for your brand. Don’t stockpile updates, photos and videos and post them all at once. Spread out your posts every week in order to reach more people and have your followers be inclined to become regular customers.

-Follow others and “like” their posts.

The old saying goes, “productivity breeds productivity;” same goes for being proactive. If you want to increase your NeriumAD following, follow other Instagramers that share common interests. Find and follow other skin care enthusiasts and Instagram feeds that share NeriumAD’s vested interested in anti-aging.

 If you want others to engage with your posts, take a proactive approach in engaging with their posts. Everyone loves to feel appreciated and oftentimes “liking” someone’s post is all the encouragement an Instagramer needs to return the favor by following your feed. Another reason to “like” and follow is that maintaining consistent activity allows for more exposure of your account and username. Keeping an active account is the best way to draw attention to your NeriumAD business on Instagram.

-Comment, comment, comment

Did you see something you liked in another Instagramer’s post? Leave positive feedback! Engaging with your audience is imperative and everyone responds well to positive reinforcement.
Speaking of responding…

-When an Instagramer comments on your post, respond

Did someone compliment your photo or NeriumAD? Great! Thank them for their enthusiasm/ brand loyalty/ interest, etc.
Has a fellow Instagramer commented negatively on something that you posted? Hmmmm… not so great, but a response from you is just as important in this arena. Attempt to locate the source of their negativity and turn their negative response into something positive. Have they been misinformed about NeriumAD? Did they misinterpret something in the post? Responding to a negative comment can be an opportunity to not only acknowledge their viewpoint or address their concern, but also possibly change their opinion, politely and professionally inform the public, and/or promote NeriumAD and your business. Don’t be afraid to respond to negative comments, and remember to rely on your Nerium family if you come across a question that you aren’t confident answering.

-Engage your followers with a “behind the scenes sneak peek”

Images and stories from behind the scenes make us feel like we are being “let in” on a secret. IT’s why we love watching TV shows about stars “before they were celebrities,” finding out about a millionaire’s  “humble beginnings,” and so on. Posting snapshots your NeriumAD business in action and updates about how your career as a Brand Partner has changed your life will make your Instagram feed more relatable to your followers.

Being a NeriumAD Brand Partner is all about engaging with clients and potential consumers. Instagram is simply an additional way to do just that! Look forward to other tips on building your NeriumAD business with social media and please, do post your own tips in the comments section below!

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