Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Part II: The Most Commonly Believed Beauty Myths

If you believe common beauty myths, your routine may contain habits that are holding you back. You could end up needlessly throwing out products, missing out on great products like NeriumAD, or excluding delicious treats from your diet because of a misconception. Keep reading as we round out our list of commonly believed beauty myths: 

Myth: When mascara clumps, it’s time to throw out the tube.

It’s recommended that you throw out your mascara every three months, as this is when bacteria can begin to grow in the tube. But if your mascara is making your lashes clump, then the tube has dried out, and this can often happen before this three month mark—especially if you accidentally leave the cap off for too long. These mascaras typically end up in the trash with unused product still in the tube. 

Instead, you can simply rejuvenate your mascara. Put the tube in gently boiling water for 2-3 minutes. This will rehydrate your mascara, making it feel like a brand new tube! 

Myth: If the product really worked, there wouldn’t be so many brands to choose from.

I’ve never quite understood this philosophy. It’s a common thing you hear about the effectiveness of diet pills, even though there are new supplements available that have been approved by the FDA and tested positively in clinical studies. But it’s also a frustrating conversation when this is applied to beauty products. Why are there so many types of soda to choose from? Why do we all choose different careers? Because everyone has unique needs. Not every product is going to work exactly the same for every individual, and not everyone has been exposed to great products. Sometimes the most effective products are best-kept secrets.  

Don’t let this misconception hold your beauty routine back. Whether it’s the latest BB cream, a much buzzed about trendy product, or a wrinkle cream, put your confidence in products that have proven results. One of the most frequent requests I hear is a recommendation for that “holy grail” wrinkle cream. This is because you won’t find that wrinkle cream in your neighborhood store. Look to one-of-a-kind beauty product, NeriumAD, an ant-aging cream that stands apart from the rest. NeriumAD cream is the only beauty product to utilize the healing powers of herbal medicine’s superstar ingredient: Nerium oleander extract. Simply adding NeriumAD to your beauty routine can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and there’s research to back this up—in clinical trials, subjects saw an average improvement of 30% in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So, there’s no need to be intimidated by “the chase,” because with NeriumAD, you can skip right to the finish line. 

Myth: Chocolate causes acne

I love chocolate so much, I’ve made it my personal mission to defend my favorite treat by busting this myth. Or, rather, misconception — it’s not exactly proven that chocolate can cause acne, but rather an unhealthy diet, of which chocolate may be a part. If you struggle with acne and think your diet may be the culprit, dairy could actually be the cause of your blemish woes.
Thanks for reading our series on commonly believed beauty myths. Stay tuned for more beauty and lifestyle advice!

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