Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Beauty and Style Myths that Make You Look Older

I always tell my clients to not believe everything they read. Every piece of beauty and style advice should be taken with a grain of salt as you can’t expect every “rule” to apply to different people. There are a few well-believed practices that can actually make you look older. I decided to kick off a series of common beauty and style faux pas that may be adding years to your appearance without your notice, along with my amendments to help preserve a lively look. Keep reading to find out about one of these common myths, and how you can fight back with NeriumAD:

Myth #1: To get results, anti-aging measures must be drastic.

You’ve seen the rows of anti-aging products at the store. You may have thought, if these simple fixes worked, there wouldn’t be so many products, right? There wouldn’t be anyone walking around with wrinkles—the only people who see any significant changes go through an invasive procedure.

However, the reality is that most products just don’t work well enough to achieve the results consumers would like to see. You just can’t expect much from typical drugstore products. Also, keep in mind that not all drastic results are good results. Plastic surgery can go wrong in a permanent way, and this type of work does not always age well as skin continues to mature.  

Before we correct this myth, on a related note it is important to note that when approaching anti-aging solutions, you should keep in mind just how different everyone’s skin is. Results for the same treatment may differ according to bone structure, skin type, lifestyle, physician, or a number of other factors. This is why I advise topical solutions first, as you don’t deal with the risks and unpredictability of drastic options. Because of the unique quality of an individual’s skin, you may just have not found what works yet. 

Correction: To get results, anti-aging measures must be different.

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Before you give up on topical options, perhaps look into a product that works differently and boasts claims you can confirm. For clients who have trouble with skin issues like wrinkles, fine lines, uneven texture, and lack of elasticity, I suggest a product with a unique and powerful ingredient that improved the look of fine lines and wrinkles by 30% within 30 days in clinical trials—NeriumAD. Using the natural power of Nerium oleander extract, you can transform the appearance of your skin without any needles or scalpels. Just apply NeriumAD every night, and let this revolutionary product do its work.

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